would appear to supplement and closely coordinate with the 
following government projects: 
                   Public corks Program 
                   Farm Adjustment Program 
                   0itizen's Conservation C'orps 
                   Industrial Decentralization Program 
                   Emerg_ .cy Unemployment Relief Program 
                   Land Utilization Program 
     To operate this plan in such way as to achieve widespread 
and permanent results in re-employment, increased farm income 
end better business, adequate funds are essential. 
     As before stated, the work involved in this plan is an 
obligation of the Federal government and in complete accord 
with the letter and spirit of the National Tndustrial Recovery 
Act. It is, therefore, proposed that the sum of eighteen 
million dollars be set aside to carry on this work. Of this 
sum twelve million dollars to be devoted to migratory game 
bird restoration, and six million dollars to upland game bird 
     Funds from the public works appropriation would make it 
possible to put the proposed plan into operation immediately. 
     It is believed that a large part of the outlay for this 
work could be returned to the Federal Treasury through one 
or more of the following channels - or others of a similar 
     1- A Federal license of $1.00 for shooting migratory 
        game birds 
     2- A tax of 10 cents per box on ammunition used for 
        field shooting 
     3- A plan whereby seventy per cent of any Federal 
        advance for any State project wrould be finally 
        returned, either through bonds or from increased 
        revenues accruing to the State as a iesult of 
        Federal aid.