ss eid yeter:4, ,wt A h6es$v, hefOrO the ?hlt# ate ft 
     'Abill will be pmwn to this Za-tt" In. a fw weý#UttiI  
   th, estri 
     Tt wil t*,-*nrms mto the Amtui0tl#4 Aeto* 
     1~ tht'atw           4   eshwet     ~,lt n# los. ra tii* in nation-

  wide ptlrmatie for iefenae wý.4att it. 
      Te ezrt st*-! will no doubt exten-1 mining to n..ttesal 
        UV.Itmare~s vv.thtbu nothiN, to ý#40 it the hearing, Ahic
was anE 
qtoý     seh?*  te sttir-Z Pa~r an-, rr~mwtion of wileremsi sieses
In national -ýrt 
.atl rvot ionl mmwts.' m1e 'bill had Originted In the Tlntpertvý YD*.Art
t va 
;efim4 wildermaA amas elceeI aftor the 1114alem.. 30citi -,ttern      Mvr.
anti a .eamr-e of anstetante *-ApmsM  for it. A gmrop re:reeti~ng sIR @tr
seen os 
..rvittn orgarlsat iee  were ,rnenta, 'but get no  am  to diem.i it     a~a~
aýctlvtty In ?ritietwim of melm  f th  CuGOýlttev., 
       Iý on'ttem .w ... opOt v.werst ri of that 4aftiitios. In fact.
sae. at 
ths~ w.mlyr -pmrv~v the typA. Dut an. Iamportt go   in whiobf,,~ue 1~44ot
Arizona,, QIfto W~ Vo  leon o .1ona, Uowtetn of 147oming, flh1iott of ,Miok

nia. and otharso, oao4 the 'bill vijrowlas.) beo.xus  tust mktmrly the Tntaviov

    'b~y. they i4kd At4 Iit wx"t Itt pmve all k-ar      ro 
  .aa eano.ith the surilo? i.ýorto Rn enes ee~,o      e~.        I

                 har bymmr,  ie  recer  only was onLy ahIeI to4n ws  atIng

  that L thbill mUle '_Ajt the Ittewor vvin   in n 'beft.A*v 'osatias, 'bUt
beS At4 
not     It cl*.i hew. 
    ,,t the cli rz of the ar~irmtt nttho-it a-_!V ~     nt      he 'pA  the
Mert thaýt 'htIn                                          oni lat.
4e orser~ 
Pan execut ive moie  ~>on      the* am  vitnoes 3 s1 theo rest of ,i file"
itro the 
    "&If ýýa bestý 1atar, the* io-ttee a&esL
   ,wI*in v       -tha no 
  4N7stoa h~n 'b-a                 V ~ th 141ll. 
     :'1h Iý melon left oti so e of ,; sv-s tlhat the 'bill -,ay 'let
1%e  .~d .ls. 
     that Vt. w  Le attn -us re in aý*   tOteVXqIt~      e   tb 
          so~~~iaiily~~~n deete.Ie s     eth ae