          Sec. 7, Only Members shall be entitled to hold off 
except that of Trustee or a Member of the Council. 
                          ARTICLE IV -- Officers 
          Sec, 1. The officers                 shall be Presi 
Vice-President  _       v   cretary and T 
        c      2, The officers shall be elected annually from 
among thet'Iembers; shall be eligible f oý re-cl-tion; and shall 
perform their duties until their successors shall qualify. 
Officers shall be elected by a majority vote at the annual meet- 
ing and their official terms shall commence            they are 
  I e~cted4- 
          Sec4 3* The President shall preside at meetings of the 
Society, shall be Chairman of the Council, shall appoint all 
Committees including those established by the Council, and per- 
form other duties incident to his office. 
          Sec, 4. In the absence of the President or in his in- 
ability to act, his duties shall be assumed by the Vice-President, 
In the event neither one can serve, the Council shall appoint a 
President pro temporeo 
          Sec* 5. The Executive Secretary shall be the Executive 
Officer of the Society under the general direction of the Council, 
He shall issure notices of annual or special meetings of the 
Society and conduct Regional elections of Council Members, as 
provided in the By-Jaws. A report covering his activities during 
the preceding year shall be made by him to the Society at its 
annual meeting, 
          Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all 
funds of the Society except permanent funds held in trust, His 
accounts shall be audited at the close of each year as directed 
by the President before presentation at the annual meeting of the 
          Sec. 7, Vacancies among the Officers shall be filled 
by vote of the Council from among the Members for the unexpired 
term of the office. 
                          .ARTICLE V -- Council 
          Sect 1, The Society shall be governed by a Council 
composed of the President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, 
Treasurer, Editor of the Journal, and thirteen elected Regional 