- I . M. 
               University Restrictions on New; Students 
Because of the housing shortage, the University is considering possible 
restrictions on enrollment. Their exact nature is not yet determined, but

it is unlikely that they will apply to Wisconsin residents, or to war 
Veterans. It is probable, however, that the Graduate School will require

a grade-point average of 1.75 for now non-resident non-veteran students.

Please lot it be clear that this Department fools a dcep responsibility,

especially tow.ard those prospective students whose training has been deferred

by military service. We vwa,_nt to do everything possible to help you, whether

or not you end up here. However, we must maintain the quality of the 
training, else it is not w-orth your while to come. This latter aims to 
help you size up your own qualifications. 
                                                     Aldo Leopold 
                                            Professor of Wildlife Managoment