Along   with   Game    Administration 
should be included that of all wild life, 
birds, fish, and fur-bearing animals. A 
discussion of these, however, is not within 
the scope of this paper. 
  Enough has been said, we hope, to 
show the necessity of Game Administra- 
tion and the possibilities of finally es- 
tablishing it. But we must clearly face 
the difficulties involved in accomplishing 
it. Our present historical game protective 
policies have become the custom of our 
thought, and cannot easily be changed. 
Some State constitutions may not permit 
the delegation of sufficient authority to 
game commissions, and States may pause 
before they recognize the necessity of 
ceding such administration to commis- 
sions and to the Forest Service. Other 
difficulties might be mentioned; and yet, 
whatever the obstacles, it is not impossible 
finally to overcome them. It is a matter 
of education. Advanced ideas of game 
conservation have often grown slowly, 
and even when understood their practical 
realization has been   slow. The very 
necessity for Game Administration should 
stimulate all to work for it. But it must 
come gradually, step by step, each one 
gained showing such advantages that the 
next will be reached more rapidly. 
  All magazines devoted to outdoor life 
and   recreation should  substitute the 
term Game Administration for game pro- 
tection and serve as propagandists for 
the idea. They should become the leaders 
in advancing it. All sportsmen should 
study it and reflect on its significance and 
advantages. It should be made a topic of 
                  [ 22]