     oNatst of ver   a these spelics mvs bees done Is leco-asi a^d 
Okla2*, am aire        bei Wgde inta TexLa, 0111ls. and Utah, iat A 
really thorogh study of either epecies has yet Veen usde-rtske. As 
co~rod with pheasants, they have been Ignoeds, ret for "ility at Cow

birds, the pheaseat to sot oven In the, rmwin. In addition. chicken* have

practical MAvantes over tho pheasat in that tbey ourrive furthr north, 
require less feedig, And will 4o well on por lan    (whereas the phias"t

rotqiree rich land). Is the Ik Stats alose there are milliens of **reo 
of sersblaa4 fit only for chiakens. Mlllas of dollar* haove be.. epost 
evacuating farmer* from such I&"*s em O4ivolopig them e as &rosee.

%at we do nst yet  ow hew to dwle or       to ochcken*. 
     A rvaly therAe estuy met incude two studies ase lot uatowh. 
     Vivt, twae ehicken ts rplarly ud           eator, *a the ebai-ptll 
eseastioslly so. It Is apposed that the migatiea of the ,tru e hick*s 
is homs oaly. fSshi4t . Une4 a Uss in inster in Wiseouia whieh as later 
reoved 100 miles north. It is fasaontal that a tbeream        stey ef 
*i~mties te -,d by Ubsg.i Mereever the uprae        of tho oycle is th* 
ealr feasible tims to de this, e*se baaters do not Set a shames to help out

by rotarrAng tho has~s. This amass tht b*Min4 sheald be do&* betwees

193T aMd 1940 In ewer to ctch iho UVOOKS6 hS* of 1940-1944. 
     A eeo.wativ.e     to bwO ehkins s i& Iisossino Mchipa av Itiesesta

is alread at work, hat they     oei no f-Jdes.  f  effort is voluateer. A

little msney wul vstly failitato their effrts. 
     Similar work ii eo4ed In all the chicke. states, %at      region could

well work eat the proelesm bere it is attaockAslsekhe*.