(6) When any group of owners of a 
 public hunting ground organized under this 
 act decide to promote the hunting of cer- 
 tain kinds of game, said kinds of game used 
 for stocking to -be propagated in game 
 breeding plants organized and operated un- 
 der the game and other laws of North 
 Carolina, the owners shall be permitted to 
 charge hunters such fees and rates as are 
 approved by the Board of Conservation and 
   (7) No hunter is allowed to quit the 
 hunting grounds at the end of the day's or 
 part of a day's hunting without-seeing the 
.authority who gave him permission to hunt 
on said hunting grounds and paying all ac- 
counts due said authority; 
   (8) No construction or interpretation 
 shall be put on this section or any part 
 thereof as to permit the sale of dead game 
 killed in accordance with this act, abrogate 
 the bag limits, time of hunting, open and 
 closed seasons as prescribed elsewhere in 
 the North Carolina Game Law; 
   (9) No person shall hunt or discharge 
 firearms upon any public hunting grounds 
 organized under this section without being 
 accompanied by one of the landowners or 
 a personal representative of one landowner 
 or after securing, on the day of the hunt 
 or day preceding the hunt, written permis- 
 sion to hunt under the authority of this 
 act, said written permission to bear the 
 name in full, age and address of the hunter, 
 under the penalty of being fined in the 
 courts, upon conviction, not less than 
 twenty-five dollars for each and every 
   (10) When hunting grounds, or any part 
 thereof, organized and operated under this 
 act, are used for purposes not consistent 
 with the Federal, State, and local laws, the 
 Department of Conservation and Develop- 
 ment shall withdraw recognition from the 