November 18, 1946 
Mr. X. W. Smith 
12U4 Flour Mxchawe Bldg. 
Minneapolis 15, Min. 
Dwx Ur, Saitht 
     I want to tha*3 rou qv vy rh for the copy of "Prairie 
Wings* you sent me through Professor Liopold. I can say 
offhand that it is ona of the finest books on (tucks that 
I have read, It most certainly embodies the eĆ½ithetc as 
well as certain technical wswts of waterfowl behavio-. 
     I shall try to rqview it as soon as possible for one 
of the Ornithological Journals and will, of course, seIld a 
co r to your of'ice as well. Thank you vrain for your 
generous gi ft. 
                                 Sincerely yours, 
                                 Robert A. Malabe 
                                 Lastnictor - Wildlife          t