14W 11, 193T 
Mr, T, D. P*q4 
P". 0. Box $91 
Dvun Ohio 
Dea Mr. Pefflq. 
        I am Itantly itv~te4 in you       statticti boom* tbm 
scientifi Idea of preation   it it ma be "sold" to spowtam at alle

,slmml be salable to' the I,.L      W  this as a *s  tw  z eM &S a 
longtim v~be, 
        The informttoa yo asa fer toe vowws        am  mh of it r 
bare only In this form of libwav copies which I camaot tend 7PL. Rm 
I -m sor~iw you only om    sawlR 
         I will, howe , attempt to FIT* 70a a opeesieSu 
of vb we am  ~mmw   think that %wvstai amags ar oriuawII? not 
         1. We seldom find wW coaldeabl. mmer of gemUrd in ON 
polete, nests, orsoah       of haks and owls, now of other Ovwmn." 
There to a Yst array of data. As a somle see Xrr      to an eM   kurd 
"Food 3abtt of Mas Rf In the North-Central United Staots, 0 mrof 
MMI&lM Uatuaralst. Vol. 7, No. 5, 3oteb$   , 1936   rp. 931-49. 
         2. Thm we do find ev~w    o of mterial nrodato     It to (a) 
*here birds bave *xri      ba~nM the  arlqxpnyofteodad 
ewer, or (b) who they have bom left =~f*4taW      a blissar, ow (a) 
whenm half-tme arttifical stock ha Um     twva   loons, ow (4) whe gobak

bav come 4,m exit of CanMa in winter     Yor V.zt ft, swe Aninton =A 
201, Agwirtau ml ft~le      t A~tion, Iowa State O01flM. Amao, p. 1T 
         3. We constantly tMA widom     that buiftsw  owls *at great 
rxae*s of tho 19* sor*"        zM rabbits which (a) aompte with the
fow food, Y&Io (b £eetvwy mr bi*'avo~w thean avbd reIat       ,
eMd (a 
soe  of whala* ( w ) sat   eMpan dhic. I do not b" xtso t he0 
  decm~s e taiinag these three riate    bmt ym will find (&) ta Sodr'

  "Th Bbvwbto (Majllf (5evw~bn~r1)* (b) i ibrtR tar' Wne 
b04mt Doar  to Oame OOvW," Jonml of Mwfla         1*tww, 1"937,
w. 5T 
61,   &A (a) inavi    Gosnah's *Life Hisetory of the 0ambe '4=1 In 
Awisoma, I Uiwertty of Awluoma ]%MeXttn Vol. V. No. 4,*W15    1934.