COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE 
                                    MADISON. WISCONSIN 
                                                           reew Soils Buildin,-

DEPARTMENT O3F AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS                      July 25, 1935

          Dr. Ivey F. Lewis, ghairr-n 
          Division of Biolorr -nd A!ricalture 
          Nat!onal Research Council 
          2101 Constitation Avetae 
          7ashi--ton, D. C. 
          Dear Dr. Leis: 
                    In accordance with your smu-1.:estion of June 10, I -rote

          the four members of the Cormrittee on Wild life St-adies ,,ho were

          not present in person at the last meetinf., zan, z-hether or no

          they arprovedl the re-ort as Tubmitted. to you. Re:lies from 
          Dr. ,errim and Dr. .Rathven are attached. 
                    Gol'hcn rrites: "I regret th!,.t I coula not be
          at the time of the meetiur, but I umderst-ni D;r. 1ell Ennd Dr.
          derson too3h -art." Be does not soecifically voice h1is friorfa

          but it ic Iraolied throu;q'hout his letter so I herly feel justLfied

          in mekin; him w2.-ito another letter Tlvvn-_ his c te'ýoric'l.
                    1ovejo- -r-ten: "Ze 1ay 22 reoort -cans to -:, inndei,
          in that it does not atte-,ot to d eal with the e-ten'sicn onhase
          -,ild life reseerchq -s I judge eszentinl. Darlin- -aay have

          to attend. to all zo~ch by allo.z.tln- his technician_ to a land.
          colle-e." I t ....e it that Lovejoy has no objoction to the
reoort as 
          it st-ýnas, but w!ises it coulcl hsve incluidcd an e-:-,-"tnion
          fnii was not included, as I hardly thouixt it the orovince of the

          ITation-n! Research Co-uncil, d!thou-nh it ta's d.iscu5sei at the
                    If this is a sufficient inclca'tion of the attitude of
          absent me:-ibers, can you now forwcrd. ,the renort to !'r. Darlinz?

                                           Yours sincerely, 
                                                    .A-lcio Leonold 
                                              In Clar-e, C-a