Revised 4/3/33 
                      Proposed Rules for 
               Bardeeville Public Shooting Ground 
 Hunting Tickets:   Any citizen of Wisconsin, upon presentation of 
 his hunting license to the officer in charge at the designated 
 entrance point, shall be eligible for a hunting ticket. 
      A ticket entitles the holder to hunt on the Public Shooting 
 Ground for one designated shooting day, and to kill one bag limit. 
      Each ticket shall bear the name, address, and license number 
 of the person to whom issued, shall be non-transferable, and shall 
 cost one dollar. 
      An applicant may be refused a ticket: (1) after he has hunted 
 five previous days; (2) if application is made on other than a 
 designated shooting day, or after 10 a.m. on a day when 50 tickets 
 have already been issued; (3) if a landholder has lodged a complaint 
 against him for misconduct or for violation of the rules or game 
 laws; (4) if previously convicted of a violation of the game laws 
 in this state. 
 Open Season: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and legal holidays 
 betwee-nOctober 1 and January 1, inclusive. 
 Open Season and Bag Limit: A ticket shall entitle the holder to 
 kill one cock pheasant, one prairie chicken, five rabbits, five 
 squirrels, and three ducks, provided that whenever the surplus of 
 any species shall have been killed, the Department shall close 
 that spedies for the remainder of the season. 
 Checking Out: Each ticket must be surrendered to the officer in 
 charge at the entrance point by one hour after sundown. Upon 
 surrendering his ticket, the holder shall display his entire bag, 
 and each bird shall be tagged and registered. 
 Extra Pheasants: Pheasants over and above the bag limit of one 
 cock may be paid for at the rate of $3.00 each. 
 Inspection and Identifications: Each ticket-hxlder must wear 
 an identification button to be issued by the officer in charge, 
 and shall display his ticket and bag upon request of any state 
 officer or landholder. 
 Closed Areas: Shootingcr hunting is prohibited (1) within 100 yards 
 of any inhabited building; (2) on any posted refuge or any area des- 
 ignated as closed by the officer in charge. 
Local Permits: A free permit may be issued by the officer in charge 
(1) to any landholder to hunt rabbits from November 15 to December 15; 
(b) to any landholder or member of the Pardeeville Conservation Club 
to hunt any open game for one shooting day, such permit to be issued 
for each two pheasants liberated by him, provided that for 1933 only, 
in recognition of such past stocking, each such landholder or member 
shall receive a permit to shoot any open game for two shooting days,