U4~ 22, 19471 
Mr,. Carl 13. lilsel 
Chief Niaturta-lit 
National Park 3xSorioe 
Merchw34se #  rt 
Ohicago 54I, Ill1inois 
Dear Carl: 
I am interested to he.& about the Natiozal P4_:a-s comitteme. 
Some of the nen wIth whom you will want to work are probbly Just as well
to you as me. 
You are, of course, tdroaxV Lutoo wlit4i Dill Voidt of the .21= Artertoan
and his work in South Anorioa along your lines. 
No doubt you are also in touch with Charles ý1ton and M. G. Tasley,
ýho seen to 
be doing the bxiz work for the national pixks in the )ritiah Isles. 
Are you in touah with Wairf'e4 sbora of the Now York Zoolooal Society and

the world-.de ooimervation        t rhich he is oranizing?  If not, I would

stzrong1y w    ed trhat you let hmi~ 1iw z bt y) yor3 so that the two noves

0an ea& help the other. Fairfield Osborne will have men in the field
on foreign 
trips who oan briag you a lot of good Infeo rtion. 
I have had a staslent driug the pat year who is writing a boo!: o-, vanishing

species aad the ti1uotioaiag of natim al k. He has just left to visit his

home in Rolland, 7it you can rrtaa hin :s follows: 
          wntil J~un 16th -c/o J. Dooi-iuboshl 1'4-4-' .6otih Street, Forest
Hills, L. I. 
          after Amw 1.6th -c/a TAtersochapsiv-,n 6, 32.aricuii N. H., R olland.

 He has  wide a ouaintanoo among park people in the rst Indes, Afrioa and
 My own parsow-1 eonneotions on the mialand in "Azrop. have ben pretty
well. tnooket 
 out by the war,    are hardly in a pozition to help you a  la ts tl. 
 You no doubt have in aind that Starker XLeopold at the &uasen of Vertebrate
 Bertceley, California can advise you abouxt park aonditions in Mexico. 
 I have a oorrespondant In Now Lealand kwo seens to be In touch with everything
 that sort iV that country, or else cotuid put you in touch -ith that 7aty.
He is 
 Dr. L. V ýIcOaskdll, Lincoln College P.B., Qhristohurch, New gelanld

 I am not seding you ancon oent on the        bee-eus I am having ey trouble,

 and hence ' am unable to study it properly. 
 With best wisheas in your venture, 
                                   Yours sinoaewLy, 
                                   Ald Leool