Tenth Midwest Vildlife Conference 
                      Ann Arbor, Michigm, December 9 - 1, 1948 
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Attendance (check one): 
                                  I expect to attend                    
      . . . 
                                  I do not know, but shall attend if possible
                                  I do not expect to attend             
Tentative orranization of the prooramt 
(1) Thrsd     moring: Registration.    General session. 
(2) Thursd    afternoon: General session. 
(3) Thrsday evening: Banquet at Michigan Union. 
(4) FrA     mornn: Special sessions (a) Game Management. (b) Tish and aquatic

     habitat management. 
(5) Fri     afternoon: Continuation of morning program. 
(6) Friday evenin : Species or subject group sessions, followed by general
(7) Saturday: Wind-up of special sessions; field trips as desired. 
Particileation (Dlease fill in): 
I expect to have a paper ready for Session Number ......Its title (or general

nature) is . . . ..    .   .   .   .   .....       .   .       .   .   .
  .   .   . 
I should be most interested in small group discussions of (species, subjects,
problems etc.) . . . . . . .                                   0 .  * 
I should like to make field trips to . . . . . . 
Return to Hazzard or Haugen according to the subject of your paper or major
Please return whether or not you are giving a paper. 