Mr. A. Willitam :Swmith 
'onsmeption Divistio 
Ncnw york o lýa     Society 
122 ýhst 58th Street 
rew 0Yor 22, New Yor 
Dar , r. Smitht 
I an naid I have to 4,o out of the -.I-ne 
meet1n;. i T   3wat !!ettinf ovr - op ,tion 
on nY eyeq, and this Ws -:t 7e qo -ch. in 
iuaer in teqin that I hiw no bumiueea 
mOiuv triýps wntil the s-,e ter to voer. If 
3i1l Vo:t is abbe to be there i will be -Ld 
to hve him srpak for ~e   I an sorry to 
disappoint you, but for t0h -rannet I have to 
W    cars of r  eye first. Yf*i migt tell 
14r. Osboxm thAt I am            w."psin the 
wilflife confencre at St. 'TO  ; I Mektton 
this sIitply to show that I do not lJltly 
.,abnon Ry hone wo Join inL the- snrinp me.-ting. 
                           T  o~ inearely, 
A~dpn Aid XLocoId 