Act 78:   This act amends an act relating to the mineral re- 
sources of Louisiana, It authorizes and directs the Commissioner of 
Conservation to inaugurate a geological survey of the State of Louisi- 
ana. The Conservation Commissioner is to cooperate with the Board of 
Engineers and the United States Geological Survey to assist in making 
such survey. In order to carry out the purposes of the act, a special 
fee for drilling wells for oil, natural gas, sulphur, or other miner- 
als, is imposed. 
Approved July 2, 1936, 
   South Carolina 
      Act 655:   An act to create an Agricultural Board in Fairfield 
County. The duties of the Agricultural Board are to promote the control 
of soil conservation within the county, and to promote such other 
farm practices as will tend toward the improvement of farm lands and 
the increase of the taxable values thereof. The Board is authorized 
to borrow $4,000 to be used for the purchase of suitable terracing 
and heavy duty farm equipment to be used in promotion of soil con- 
servation. The Board is to cooperate with the Soil Conservation Ser- 
vice at Winnsboro. 
Approved May 30, 1936. 
      Act 2:   This is an act to declare a mortgage moratorium, and 
designating the State Bank Commisioner as the debt moratorium com- 
missioner.   The debt moratorium commissioner, after hearing, shall 
have power to suspend all laws or parts of laws relative to the en- 
forcement of any debt for such period of time and under such terms 
and conditions as to the payment of any part of the debt as he may 
deem just.   In case the creditor and debtor shall agree in writing 
upon a compromise, it may be submitted to the commissioner who may 
confirm such settlement.    The commissioner has power to alter the 
terms under which the debt may be refinanced. 
Approved June 22, 1936. 
      Act 38: An act creating a State Planning Commission, defining 
 its powers and duties. It is to be composed, respectively, of chair- 
 man of Highway Commission, Commissioner of Conservation, Chief Engi- 
 neer, President of the Board of Health, the Commissioner of Agricul- 
 ture, a member of the faculty of the State University, and one member 
 appointed by the Governor. Section 4 sets forth the purposes which 
 are, among others, to guide and accomplish a coordinated and effi- 
 cient and economic development of the State.   The Commission is to 
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