Delta, Manitoba 
                                         O)ct. 2, 1938 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
Professor of Game Management 
University of Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Professor Leopold, 
       I am afraid the temptation to slip out with the gun 
in any spare moment has been too great and I have let my 
correspondence sldde. It is a new experience to shoot ducks 
at ones very door.   Thank you for the new Riley Program and 
for the note from the boys. Must have served three Cocktails 
this time! 
       It has been a busy place here with guests coming and 
going every day. Mr. Bell arrives today and I am looking 
foreward to meeting him and going over our program. Since 
the opening day there have been 280 ducks shot and I believe 
that, even with this small number,you will be interested in 
the record. 
       Males    124   Adults     146 Adult M. 64 Juvenile M.60 
       Females 156    Juveniles 134 Adult F. 82 Juvenile F.74 
As L look over the records I am a bit concerned with the number 
of juvenile birds as compared with adults,but I have gone over 
all of the birds very carefully and the juvenile characteristics 
are still quite obvious on most of the birds I have seen. I have 
saved tail feathers and the wing or parts of the wing of each 
birds so that I will be able to check the records again. 
       Mallards head the list becausewith the June weatker we have 
been having a great deal of the hunting has been jump shooting. 
For the maliard the record is as follows: 
       Males 45   Adults 79 A.M. 31   J.M.14 
       Females 75 Juv.   41 A.F. 48 J.F.27 
       Shooting will continue at the lodge until the third week 
in October Ward says andwith the prospects of looking at over 
a thousand birds, I think these records should prove interesting. 
After that,the local game guardian has kindly consented to let 
me look at bags with him on Fridays and Saturdays until the end 
of the season. 
       The most surprising thing about the season here is the 
small amount of shooting that is done. Except on Saturdays when 
th-re is a small amount of shooting, one seldom hears a shot all 
dayt long. There is almost no shooting at all *mam east of the 
far lodge.