h. H. 170,36    . whc  rpoe oestablis theAm  oIympu -t1.m1a 
 PW  tu 70WL-o is hig1y deiabe     1J4aevq, I wOId suaot t~w   $e. 
 tioa 4 be amne so 44 to 4p..I~fiej1y .'sO O~t the O~Wtq        fW 
 ra~  trc the Park 
         S, 2M, prpsAĆ½to oatbUl~       the Rivig's Car   44tiad Part

 als sem highly desrabe. I mderaa           e thor as been soe  ortt to 
 have stricken out of it the provisi  in $#ot$  4, It is *spo1~jj jg 
 Potn that thi proviio al4l no b* qh         o, o if the Fwora Tqwt 
 Pme Aet did "Ay to the Kift' Caova Xaios1m    For th fins   sofi 
    vaue val bo ruined.u~ h                    ~   ~ 
trat of primitive red-pd foret whieh ca  hosbl    e &"i        A
rw~r of all poesible are obrnld be nw, to deemn whr .ue a trao 
eaq be loatd  1 belie" that if a 14xtmo Ust1ml Par to. pueaoa th 
peliay shoud deftatoly be L ZM4 4  that it eol hW   21l tral dw~lop 
Mots   !he Molthshsfl        potiyfrejyn, h              dgeq 
almi th prvn 'Iedwod41,k?         but ther is notd~dfoet o po 
toted in vrio1h the lover fP the prizwva  mW *esop* eso ~toly frm h 
-md of' oAabnzatios.