   C9~ 12" Wc2. 3.24 n o Souh~ iOJ.t   
   of i;tO        o o5 ia~. 2 . 
Bap o ,2 fd t tho -1, 8i~k o6 2heOo 
R. 0            40n:, hich and F, 0tnot 
   'he                   , 1 r ," "" 
   .,,61t a F., rso.on 
o--ývueo~ !*,Uo ti, a         o 
     iý two lmý1 - fý vl. adV0geT 
                   dec-ifed to ho,        - 
Aftor a geenoial dIsoiU3anOh of the propo   pe 
    Comm~selo~er. Dý)VlnCe mo Umtt approval bo gen for 
tho        o?. 15    fx, on Henry AMOnL at , COSet OT 
0't50  a-ad 63.1-2 azýVS frO'M M:0  FI.&-ldn Clarkt, at a Cost

or iýý!!900O. the lato  *,.exlt~a~l"ý,,--,i-ý:V,,
%0,' Inolude.fnsch 
        r.Natsa!- tvomid r o   th- (de0rtalo  ()ý, any 
   furh Claims fo  dnsa.ge to her>., b        of soeps 
or f-oodinfgp an a result of the proper opeNat2a.on ol water 
lcvycs on Horleon INart.o 
  The motionwan    dl uy bevon  y Vd d b onl-nr r Abetg? 
  WhI-m pFt to a. vote, moti.o a  {,c'I uunimouo!y9 
                              111 tem  7S n11AI'W  of 
Marioh l! 19gL?° 
  Mr. COraer. Antin$g Svpmvl.or of AeNuget- and PFubUo 
Hntitng Gr¢ournas. Inforried the .oms:Jone  that- Investiga- 
tions arid .n  had been conduoted In Sothwesltern 
         -n aocoroemm wIth thei diveotIve of M4aroh I11 
  ,.rt-l non or the , Cox Fo,11o; pro5oot showed 
little oidoce of co? clon on the' axe    wha.t cexsoen 
mloee   t Is corfimd mainal- to th, area% bad   Tho 
engln;:oer of? tha Coll Conmmatlon distrot consIders tho 
   zeshe1 ~in goo  condito     -. 
   Tn the S.Vys,  of the ou,     "   rea e  twenty diferet 
g'oas velro a         an'd It was">oun4d Vm-t the Yellowstone 
Creek aroa In      . cold   r commended Xt Is 
oa~tedif to the ,iozihoaet of Co :f.oz1o:  in the vicl-aty 
of Minera1 ont  T   an'ea wo Ld-allow 735 aeoeso 
         a a tit 65 so-3 in TOox Hollow. The land is 
very marzy and    y     per oent of it Is* rite-Udo 
poor. FIoo,1onrg  s common. 11r. C    amr tated that thls 
pr~o3ot il banG recoii ..-- . . In prenfernce to any other 
proaoet,_ alt..o.ýih Itho detail 1nV3 not ben comple"Uoly 
  Io s: 31,oxier Abe~g ie.~red of t'-. DI.o    ?  I on th, he 
study and net~to        of tausse 8i4Gu.,,,L1onr. .h Vaepa 
  mnn  i  sl5;tnr tvp 9andaid  n.rd p'~~~Gand 
p oraof        " c ,,t...g  1tiOa] .bodUQS of -Vao" fore 
local- uso, ito ent,21     &. ý., C:- .cv  v vewing ocaeh one
   * '  nof thc! prasesuM. erTmfrm var-2o,l: ",Isou 