OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT                                 May 26, 1937 
           Mr. Ralph T. King 
           Department of Forest Zoology 
           Syracuse University 
           Syracuse, New York 
           Dear King:- 
                Thank you for your letter of May 20. We do not 
           contemplate a separate library for the Wildlife Building 
           since it immediately joins the Biology Building, and 
           the library of the latter already receives the publioa- 
           tion of the Roosevelt Wildlife Station, If, however, 
           you ever put individuals on the mailing list for such 
           publications, I should be very glad to have my name 
           added to them and to receive these publications in the 
           future. If not, I shall understand. 
                On the whole the affairs of the Wildlife Society 
           are going smoothly and in high gear. The other officers 
           and the Council and Committee are doing their work in 
           excellent shape---especially Cahalane who is doing a 
           Aerculean task as Secretary with smoothness and dispatch. 
           There have been some very minor disagreements, but 
           these we have quickly resolved by collecting the opinions 
           of the Council in each case. Cahalane tells me that the 
           present paid membership is about 265. Considering that 
           those who join the Society in advance of the first issue 
           of the Journal are doing it on faith alone, I think that 
           a membership of 300 by July 1 will be an excellent record 
           at this stage of the game, 
                With best wishes, and the hope that I shall hear 
           from you soon about that ruffed grouse manuscript. 
                                         Sincerely yours, 