npltn Ducký Stption

                                              DKltp, nitoba 
                                                Nove ber ?, 1940 
 Mr. Aldo Leopold 
 Professor of  ildlif½. Mnpernt 
 University of Wi-consin 
 kdison, Wisconsin 
 Deer Professor Leopold: 
       Shooting is still noov and I 7uess Ducks TUnlimit*d is a 
bit on the soot Pfter flowery Pccounts of P qrot incranse. I still 
believe it is e rrmtter of weeth'r, for our mpllprd populption on 
the lekeshor, hes shown no Iecline Pnd thprp hL-P be-n heavy concent,- 
rntions of dc-orrters on tb, lnke. 
       I hpve asked Art to try out the cochin treatmnnt on live 
feomles to see if it is wor~nble under trpnlin conditions. I have 
tried it out on our c(ptiv- birds Pnd they suffer no ill ef÷ecte.

The locpl n-bvsicien wro ir workinr on thi, -,ith me bplivps there 
is no oDrsonpl d-ner in h-ndlinc th- cocrin,p mtt-r rhich bothprpd 
me for r while. 
        : nnrdin- the loaded birds, I h!ve bl b-n bothbe'- -1l elonq 
by the blief that -erhb-e the birds thet die not die - rc not 
f<'t-d becsuse re had slippad up pop-- way in administering the 
doses. The only -y to check this wrs to kill - bird end this 
I did yesterdsy. Tbh bird wps P Juv'nile drake which hpd received 
Z shot August 71,8shot Seotpmber 70 and 10 shot October 18. The bird 
Iws a good hesvy,nerly thre- lb. bird ,ecttve Pnd v-ry fat. The 
-izzzrd contnined   - -hot ,II o-round to Pbout 1/25 or their orizLnrl 
   size. It looks Fs though we rre cl~-r on this   ont. All the 
birds Pre in Pood shape -4tfr the threp- doses axcpr~t the adult fmenl- 
'rho will kick the bucket Pny dey now. 
        Fred suggested the the adults mnvy h-ve -lready a sub-leth-l 
storer ot lead to rhich otly a littlt more --d be )dded to '7nock 
theim do.n,whil- the ju7eniles Ftrrter fro¶ zere. Th- rdults -ere 
birds from the ocns ,however, and   v no ,--y of  .ttin. led in 
any form. P-rhtc ftmmmno )-rhppp not. I have rifty canvasback end 
woulJ like to try them re we havo Pbout twenty Pdults. 
        The trip MPSt  tptrts tomorrow. I sP drpwinq on the Petty 
C-sh Pesount And rill hold my r-oort of monthly Pceounts for this 
fuhd until I return. 
Yours Sincerely