Local Atti~tuqe 
   The success of any plan such as (a), (b), or (o) depends on the 
   local attitude. The area is remRrkable chiefly by reason of the 
   admission of town sportsmen that the farmer must be compensated 
   in some way for the use of his land, as iell as for grain, improve- 
   ments, etc.   Very few small town groups see this far ahead. The 
   farmers are inclined to expect both reimbursement for improvements 
   and fees for trespass, but they are not very prosperous and both 
   will probably be obtainable at a very moderate rate. 
   Th  range has abundant winter cover, sufficientnssting cover, 
   but nowinter food, except two hoppers and two food patches instal- 
   led this year. Grain had been scattered by hand in a few addition- 
   al places, but such "feeding" has little vrlue. Food alone is
   to make this range very productive. 
   Probably predators, such as horned owls, will have to be controlled 
   as soon as abundance of game begins to build up. 
   I. (t decisionas to area to be oovered by plan (a) (b) or both. 
       ( tigstead) 
   2. Make development plan for such area. (Gigstead) 
   3. Get devislon from department as to whether plan (a) is to be 
       tried. ( op