      Torfne a doo hard, femie mat be         TheiM a-r   o  ed 
rodk4tio rt~ionals theiri postion byr exresiar fear that if lfýtnu4s
legauv1W, to *m  wIAd be kiflet. Ye all availble1 hino-r Irinotei itha 
    Tha  Viingota hAs lo~  e 4e.? of either sex each yva sliwe 19)1k,Mt~

44m  law. to it likely that a single "a-eer6 seaso    in UAlonini Wmu14

aeo.mpltsh a gweitov r~oftaiotanb  see oow4auiv     "ood     arseasons
smat.1 doer hivt, on zatlalsos 4ee only$ In 1946.   Th  bgeonsl Xrector of

Rmes wftte   the 41voonia Gneltion Dotran     wndr Aae of JTunef 20, 19471

         *Last yea throum the ezee11et coopratiOR of yorDrrmn' 
         12A6 ita1el.. esv dor  w  rowm4, WXinter stu4i.. lticate thait 
         (the rw~vwl) was somewt loem th-4i the norma   1n....e aM as 
         a rerat there aen as mm or moe 4sow on the refe than there 
         w*n before the hmt took place. In order tr, bring the deer 
         vo'xalation within the earigeiý*iyo       h   ae...we believe

         thet 1#QOO der sluI4 be taken (in197. 
      In ote od the auts*imalty at 'Needh la wt overkill of faisi.., ~ta

un?~kil. This is the uaw4 ~itioia'Jety in all states whieh Twve atteine 
routIoAee   it tkea sweveal ceuseotitt slet~ý to &~ výat
it was origiall~y 
        TheGoworvAlo Os4ission vmuldO 'prefo to refte the Wiseosinl herd

by oontnollae Aoo..tnst.n am thatt at ffadlbt two conectt       loglala-

turn hwe dolie to give us the roqd site 1Wl athorit. Controlled 
hu4 tug at %eaw4.h Is le a beemise the t~leeterl ermn     -oth     =4 
                           0* 0 
     t au pablisinu this mrticole Ies      Al am oo nseiAtimnly remin a 
 mebe o  th Caansvttan Cowdson vithout glvtrkg nnblia riott     that I 
 41asest frqe the Tý*IV  of potpnmet ado-*W    by the mjority on hvly