Sec. 2. The Council shall appoint the 
Editor; shall have power to fill vacancies 
occurring in its numbers; shall recommend 
to the Society for action By-laws not incon- 
sistent with this Constitution and shall per- 
form such other duties as are herein pre- 
scribed. Not less than one-half of the Mem- 
bers of the Council shall constitute a quorum. 
        ARTICLE VI - Meetings. 
  Sec. 1. The Society shall hold an annual 
meeting and such other meetings as the 
Council may direct at places and dates se- 
lected by them. Due notice of such meetings 
shall be given by the Secretary at least thirty 
days in advance. 
  Sec. 2. Resolutions passed at a meeting 
of the Society by less than a majority of its 
Active Members shall represent the majority 
opinion of the meeting, but shall not be bind- 
ing on the Society unless subsequently ap- 
proved by the Council. 
        ARTICLE VII - Sections. 
  Sections of the Society may be authorized 
by the Council upon petition of ten or more 
Active Members. Sections may adopt neces- 
sary By-laws, providing that no part of them 
shall conflict with the Constitution of this 
Society. A report of its activities shall be 
presented by each section at the annual meet- 
ing of the Society. 
    ARTICLE VIII-Dues and Funds. 
    Sec. 1. The annual dues of Active Mem- 
 bers shall be $5.00 and of Associate Mem- 
 bers, $3.00. No dues shall be charged Hon- 
 orary Members. 
   Sec. 2. Annual dues shall be payable from 
 January 1 in advance. Members in arrears 
 shall forfeit their rights and privileges and 
 shall receive no publications until such dues 
 are paid. 