DoItp Dunk qt tion 
                                          DeItn, Lnitoba 
                                          lov'irmbnr 6, 1941 
Vr, Aldo ap Deooold 
Prof,,Pepor of Wililifo L!-nnwrment 
Vnivorrity of 4,inconsin 
VlndiFon, Wisconsin 
Dpar A. L. : 
       I am sorry I esnt tbli" n-stinm che-rter dm-n in such rouvh 
condition; I sucooct son.e of tbre follo-inm chbpters -ill b-' just 
aP rouV'h. I am qfr,-id I b'lonunq tho Np  Xork-r would out it, 
to" the m:zRic of his own wordQ d-pprtment"l for I can't ypt  ,

to cftch th-s- tLings until I £rt po-v- port of ,  rs-,ectivc on thbim

from otside. 
       Ono que-tion r     h-i co,, uD iu tbip cb-rtar -blcb I think 
is not P-ttlod:tm that of t'ýrritory. Thp nest is umm  but rsrly 
1octed within tbe t-rritory d-f-nd'-d bv tV- rle;tbhrm is no trup 
npFt torritory d-fenfad by e ither th' hen o- tb'i drpke. You qu qt .,. 
that t1 trrritory d ' -ndrd bv tbh melp b.- t-rmd tV}  natinq 
territory. Cen P torritory -1'ich dope not include the nt be 
considerpd a tru- npstinp territorv? Cortpinlv it ip diff-rent tbrn 
our cof-lct of tnrritory in nort other  c:Pci- of birds. You 
hv,, a mu-!- brosdcr bh-ckvroun. on tVi then I and if you b-li-ve Te 
onn torm tbo territory of t',b ducks the npptinp territory I nm 
willin;ý. to do so. I bpli-v-, ho-evor, that tbir Plls for a now 
definition; I uped Ppitin tarritorv snd so did Bnnptt. I btv 
tho nht 911 alono that thip is probnblyv n oor torm Pnd wond-r if 
you couldn't null powethi? out of your b. of Pdj-ctiv~rs 'hich mi'ht 
bp morp fitting. 
        ie hrv-, hbd a bit of fhma thaw and thbrc irp Pori Mood bh, of 
 npll;rde beinm teken Pt o-o- holes. Looks as though we will hbve 
 a few mpllards rouUnd until tbh ýnd of thb sepson or pven lpter.

                             ý our saincerely, 