vocferus mnoity of the hutiag frabternity is a m"&o     to movie
%how. is  ave no qua 1 with the thoughtful, lafu'ind spwtms     * 
4..ir, reamotb1. shooting of spA*os that ca    stand the 4a~1a, Vafot- 
UAtely, howevr, aoonidero1. nab          of huters sev~l desir 
to kil to teU..lAdt of their ga caaijj and let tsmorrow take care 
of itoIt. This Vmp is      oiq sand f rgmnty inluetital. Dmooa 
Its platform is..qt~         MW Appeals to personal sIfishos. It is 
tre&*tl supportd *ad pabicis      d by urnw at the "sp.rtin'so a&%

*aUa..  Cosratoit      should not hesitat. to oppoe. this gru 
and their pubicity. A dILU~d .ile. will avrepo       esnbe 
Pvt.etiaaseatimat to admnittors an         leiltr wb at. bomard- 
*4 with de~d for longer hwqn       dq.s ead man*=..~ leg1isation of 
Uitin  &Md live iesoy for waterfwl, sad other excssve device. 
    lealization of te valu of mst specie     of pr~daory b    irs I 
liroasiqg bu slowl. 1w   beo~flicia ones are killed every year in 
  '1 vt3 V   -R      to *. .t*t gam- and other pre ere poi 
  re.re  that a uwally reutble orw~io     eetlj saw fit to 
isu  advic and intruction for pol.-4xaping prAtor&,, with utterly 
irduqwt. mientima of ao"rnsry premtions for mdal dsing dam-- to 
-the  -echn birde,. 
    The haste 4.ad wato tht inevtabl     ad mwai~ab2y aeoompu     s 
the cara  astiousl dewof prass  csarOrie au 4:we~t and indirect 
basard to bir life. This Coat~t *ul* nt be se foolish as to 
oppse uw  lgtimte militay demns ess~atal to the saety of this