Office of the President              Lefevre Hall, Columbia, Mo, 
                                     April 13, 1937. 
                                     To:.-  Bump 
Mr, Aldo Leopold                            Leopold 
1532 University Ave.                        Stoddard 
Madison, Wis. 
Dear Mr. Leopold:- 
      I should like to ask your consideration of a matter 
 relating to the next annual meeting of the Wildlife Society, 
 because of your position in the Society and on the Technical 
 Committee of the Wildlife Institute. 
      Most people have assumed that we shall meet again at the 
 North American Wildlife Conference next year---though, if the 
 Council votes otherwise, there is no reason ifty we should be 
 committed to do so.   The suggestion has already been made that 
 we have at least some sort of meeting in conjunction with the 
 Christmas meetings of the A.A.A.S., provided we have become 
 affiliated with them by that time.   (This matter is being pre- 
 sented to the Council in a letter mailed today). 
      The further suggestion has been made that of the Wildlife 
 Society meets formally with the next Wildlife Conference, some 
 effort be made to place our Society on a little firmer footing 
 there---even to place on us the responsibility for arranging 
 the program of technical papers. 
      There are a number of angles to be considered, even at this 
 early date,   I should greatly appreciate your answers and views 
 on the following questions:- 
 (1) Where is the next Wildlife Conference to be? 
 (2) Is it to be sponsored, as in 1937, by the Institute? 
 (3) Do you think the Wildlife Society should meet with the 
       Conference next year? 
 (4) If so, should we leave it to the Institute to arrange the 
       technical program; o should we have a program of tech- 
       nical papers of our own; o should we ask the Institute 
       to leave the arrangement of the technical program to us? 
 (5) Do you think it would be possible to arrange for the 
       Society something more than simply a business meeting--- 
       say, a dinner of our own?   Would this be desirable? 
  (6) How should we go about doing what you advise? 
      With best wishes, 
                                      Sincerely yours,