5r. John  ollLer,   o   s on.r, 
fPfice of 0 d& an   Tit ars 
  inol  y deer controv rsy 
f conclusive PfnsWevs to two 
rvqtVon I )fnror ft v-r ticku; 
ny thme ontineue(u ~pping 
I4 wY th;r or" not there sre 
r port of etob r ist, I 
rtwo wasy; Oy ki11in° at 
If v~r t ks weA foune. It 
W-. thttedr we+-e "K 
tiky,.     ow+r,                   -a In iot        r 
Mar: pi~o   i i  .  ~'~on nv ii  1re   n u,  Vý~t L n 
th( que tion -s to uAt e \ ul j' C C t( b' ('iPP1 ' 
would  xain to te answer ic, o s asons n swref r the 
secono tho, whioh, thoWth tin-rm-onsui         Vav  oJunO1e re- 
stockM7 Sn n  ls 0a"- let aV to the fane en *   it in uiew :o tIhe 
   trmnes   pprnr -     o     vi    t  afs n an arise: 
tremen(dous c.t,1.]e presuurh nowo ein  e1ppli  ij   tinui 
"ILI no be     rudttei-n to prosmcuO, this e 2its "=lc- 
tion? moull it be wisno s r last rosor 1dl! th drev eer 
            a~ LK- 0rsn-ly no n 7      Ko not 
and 1o0p8 they ar~e not carr'y n£ feve r t  ?  ,    anU    r n    o

want to nob] - th the 1 "vOs or a hr   "> c r voPhen this thoroW
ly acOliritec stock ys irrepiacabl. *   I e   on(er'n  if youir t.ou