October 13, 1947 
Dr. W11fam A. Dreye 
I)Tfrmtof Zoology 
University of Cincinnati 
Cincinnati, Ohio 
Dear Dr. Draye"r 
In aocordane with your letter of Septembr 17 sent 
m   t Rochestor, together with an utl'ine of the 
Cha             I have d  n up the attchtd progra 
for a wond-table diutssion of animal populations. 
The prineip4 speakrs are now fixed and have aocept- 
.d. but there ns be some slight modifications of 
th eseooiary mpeak.r list. It is hard to wake that 
absolutely fiml until final at has been 
reached on just what warybody is goin to say. 
Howev*r, I think it in finl engh for the 
printed program. 
%s you will notioe tbher, is a discssion period 
Interlarded betwen earc species gzp. 
The introdiwtion by myself will strive to set the 
premises ,oa starting ff points requiite to the 
further discssions.    will be working with the 
*ole list of speakers from now on to try to gt 
this in orerly form before the   ristas meetin. 
I am back on the Job now and will doubtless write 
you further as pointso    up rlating to this 
soction of the prograw. 
With boot regards, 
                              Yours sina 
Aldo Leopold