7t ~~~            ~      Jl 3,:smv< y o.io 
     d... Coriscin          r 5nih that nuthorlzation. 
be given to the purchase of the tr-cnt.t     r t.a,to, a . t 
tbh aCdditionaJ. e, sestc' Iowa ,a rlodmeent aa by th:. 
  The motion qvao duly seconded by  ormni ±one,2 UoIemd, 
  When put to a vote, motion uias oa'§.ed .  .u    ,lyo 
  Commissioner Dlckinen ,.wggested that in viev of the 
fact that all the omr issioners were now presentV. that 
they prooeed with the huntin and trajxp.nr- reulaiona 
                  l   A3.             j.                 4 ,A 
Apearance of Executive Coneervation Council 
  Mr: ,Grimmer' 5uperintendent of Gk he       ledangx.mnt .- 
the d&iacusion, 0 oe stated that thbre aeeire four items 
tihich be was brinang to the attention of the oomrc.iesion 
and mmib.. of tbhi ceoutive counci± ; nane"y deerz-tha 
gun seaoon; deer.-.the bow and arrow season, the black 
bear 8eazon--whether they be placed on the uuprotected 
list or have the season concuirrnt with the deer season, 
and deer--the gun tnd the bow and arrow Peason for the 
Veoedah Nautional Wildlife Befu.g-e 
  !n regard to the fIrst Iteo -.gun oeavon for deer- 
Nr, GrCimmer diplayed maps showing the original recono- 
mendatkon of the Congress on the nlne-day for3red=horn 
buck sea_,-on. the deer season oro-posed by the terparttment, 
and a raa.i dispplaying the fouir-day, any deer season with 
the tabulate c  rty - v o %e.. 
  Mr., Grinrner stated that the proportion of the county 
votes i_,e  a7 troximtel '.wo to one in favor of a buct 
seasonP beO- lha% the d..-ar-imtent slll adherre 'to its 
original recommendation for a four-day, any deer season, 
even though he realized that the recommendation was far 
from being a popular one, He further stated Ihat he 
had hones that from this controversy would come the 
knoviedge that the people of the state must do some 
Ger'ous thinking cn the deer quastion and that in his 
opinionf legislative action was necessary to permit the 
enactraent. of seasone that are reasonable and that can 
be controlled. 
  Reports of the district voting "re given by their 
respective  -r,.rntative, as follv. : 
  .r. Burdick stazted That five counties in his district 
voted for the ninedaay forked-horn buck season; three 
counties voted in favor of the dparttment's plan, In 
the three counti-s favoring the deOltient's plane the, 
number of vote. cast :as coma.rati ?e].y sC-Pasi and. very 
clonet I.i stated, that he was in sympathy with the