At the Hacey(Peak lofA June I-Sept. 1) 
     For Oare of hatchery birds - Mr. Ward plus aslsstet. 
     for post-mortsms, skins, s*zing, banding #Ad releasig, weights anV 
          pluxge notes - a t*eshaial assisUnt. 
Ifr TEMif     g Bandg   Wil Dujj ~     (peak load June 15-Aug. 15) 
     for operation of drives. Mr. Ward.   eohbUmU.  eolp of tehateal 
fr T    de   . Peter Ward for 3 months. 
z 111     Crew U to nt nests and to execute ex~primental gopher control -

    3 teorary assistants. 
    To run ecological experiments in marsh - Hochbou. 
U_ W_.    Hatchery supervision and trapping.       To be paid by Mr. 3.11

T!eo      aissistants. Vg collecting, gopher work, e*t. To be paid by Mr.
!!!ckbaua March-Aovesberf, £ no*. at *150             $1,200 
                         expense                        _2- 
To    isl asstat, June-September, 3 m0e. at $100         300 
                         *"ones (no c^r)                 100       
Taxidermist, 3 mot. at $100                                         300 
naspeation. Trips by -Piraie and Leopold.                           ?00 
R         &nd m        (an electric refrigerator for 
     specimens is neoedd. Buyinga new one is too 
     costly. Ak Mr. Bell if a used one could be 
     found). For other supplies -                                   100 
     The estimate in the September 1 report vas $1,500. This, however, 
figured foeehbau at $100 instead of $150 per month and included no techniool

assist"t. If the $2,500 estimate must be out, the technical assistant
be eliminated, thas reducing the cost to about $2,000.