elected by the Society at its annual meeting; 
three members of the committee to be elected 
in odd numbered years, two members in even 
numbered years, to hold office for two years 
each. Election of applicants for Active Mem- 
bership shall be made by the Council from 
among those recommended by the Member- 
ship Committee. 
  Sec. 4. Any person may become an Asso- 
ciate Member upon recommendation of two 
Active Members and acceptance by the Sec- 
  Sec. 5. Honorary Members shall be per- 
sons who, upon the unanimous recommenda- 
tion of the Council and a two-thirds vote 
at any stated meeting of the Society, are thus 
recognized for their distinguished service or 
outstanding achievement in the field of Wild- 
life Management. 
  Sec. 6. Only Active Members shall be en- 
titled to vote, to hold office, and to represent 
the Society officially. All classes of mem- 
bers shall receive the journal and such other 
publications of the Society as the Council 
may direct. 
         ARTICLE IV - Officers. 
  Sec. 1. The officers of the Society shall be 
a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, 
and a Treasurer. 
   Sec. 2. The officers shall be elected annu- 
ally from among the Active Members, shall 
be eligible for re-election, except that the 
President and Vice-President shall not suc- 
ceed themselves, and shall perform their du- 
ties until their. successors qualify. Officers 
shall be elected by a majority vote at the 
annual meeting and their official terms shall 
commence at the close of the meeting at 
which they are elected. 
   Sec. 3. The President shall preside at 