ehe first mct* in dealing with i W11arno  sTwte thao mw   be that none

 of the irroplasoobl returesw of wilderness ehal be impairedw in sy wow 
     116eres i    quality inbvret in the Mewiriw2 teutoin Ims boce* 
reogie  d on ae natural reinmfe nseplibla of UM*1"w4 or deeatn1(Rc,
in the* ease orou avwdshit  se*vu~ or topet1.  Indeed, there to a ror1d 
wxid *wkening to t14" vtAiW Of' t1W Wi.ld~wS4a COnOVept as doeirble
a@P 14 
slinat. 'ito% b rimto votoeus Ia -3rtod   umlaw the protec~uiof whef 
rwias of usjtkim~ or            amti~ ea41tions* I?or a e its f;@ Thanasr,

In "or;1rW     tw P1ld ýrte spaks with anthority, belag a quoiaftoe

sse3*ls# in his discusion~ of the problem m   isrvng~ wild asw.ur in 
   uw~ndInluing1 iniw1 end plan~t lie and thie nutive lad     v   Hs Ois

   auxa e Vw vo tzo aseh .roizatimse  no the vomil.1 for the 1"nra~ttorn

of oir1 l     *ng an4,w~   athur gruse Lwves (tiia  she war, in 1941p an
invitation ,f the ýSýt ty for the ývogoOA of Haturo
1ýeaervop do3  ~ten frc 
w)ieti~e &ad olhwr ba.dieste Intmvdl    mtwual hLntor   etakeiw  as T7ho

  i.,i4eem on i,%" ~seytion In Pwtla Pe~xrel          ^   in 1948 
'4' ý-1l1i J3.Qittt, tkin *hir.v of tbe einiterial utirttes .owerne
-ms     roe istuavon VYNIma invited the vne~e     ocot      (ate 
to dvi.-e the govimnt on settore veI~tislp to 4ta* 11 4aewoe.~ Tht result

                          loIn "or3uh A-fican Unýttml *rs* 
whick were omwted just in 11,ý*        toy is ue fm destrutionow 
rmints of Vint wilderes so richik Ini14life. 
      Thouhut Ahe =%t*"1 historl t~wsotueof i'Irmv, Iamurks an othe

  ,Wrpea emtios. is .44.snt a uting fares for O    phe..smeaflm (it -,rIitive

!4tue,j eve tu xj in a soz- nos wa ia those long oecuplei snK'- 
    lifis univerna yeer~ig for twuml goadititms has had ak 4O~m   grwt 
In Mww*ica. 4Y*1Xstoa ý.tuamel Patr wn* astablisheA an In age as jm
to prsev the           ý vwadea"e of Utal t am* N~zu1 ' peostwm

sostikiiW Wk" thast they eeastly ImsiI~ anure ftW their p-essrvwna,

3iue thin we hew.ex    ea a rotnzevact In our noprefation or the Uu 
epoi1.t landeespe. ,Ia .thali iRafinl pork# h0vew be  establidod, bsus4l

not snceassotl2  oR .utsat41ng,, st~g phy~aslphww        swb as gequws and

    thrtal pigsp but an umar,* an,! inaplin  waey, sed tho potnt 
for a cortsd 4dego of ceutect wi~th tlmw",waltiwRl ',-,m  fimll, a"
*etablioet of irimtive an wIldaewusnrva s by the Finat .,wrvle, which 
in a =X   U  Sena *an thje _41ti ate inJ teCOMtias 4f V~14 ltft 6 valme..
In wAsh arfs the .asinae of wilderos was aleaswiy tefised ofid wqglaticas

   wer romuls" ot Umir revntion In the torrit. 
      -*wa~  wonde why kolaim 4lm4k nakmimL       to the roo  for the -1L~n

,e  I~rd tn while we still km" sa  true wildenv rauoning--*     l, by

coatmatq , -qpe let preticaUl all of It dImwmw,* L'A this not be beausae

rnly at thle ava~ in wav14 aciwi~etlorn bas   14Ma m.aoha the x*Ift where
assiUy !wae the wildenes at Its tmay *md is grpbW tow~ard      t ev *Molony
ovawum*U  Its anytiwnmmt by whiceh it a=   pprecates the *toloswo  .Infsze.o
wildrnss.? It is rsso1sexie  that the opp lmty to travel In the *41dvrneo