Ar. ftirtield Otbom 
Alw York Zoo1chica Soclioy 
Mw York -21, N" af 
It Lurn ch p1w-ao  thai the propocta  is in print, 
and I have Glvim it we huxvied r~andin without 
t1Mincin .Aqti,,4 to       tltll @x3int, and with 
stron 4prem    of Uthe job a* a who1e. 
1ýaoly Q U24 0iatl  mt   I cn'ý iazse xt this 
MO.MontRi totoMT  ge%1zthe1~       'If the 
inmmt that gmate are w~s. I ha4d snms -1"t 
pain~ful mcp~ri.onoe with ILz.imtnaequata . soto 
qiuia of the "Wti4Ulfo Malta" ..estýblished 
4eea.4e ago by the Wi~ldlfe lntltu4te. It Is of 
ooitrio a poin~t of *vmt kind. as v.34 its how awi 
  fida quetiozi of stilaating, without interfenring. 
  Zios thwtt are, of omire, not ae" to you~ or 
Mr* 73rawer, Va~t ~r Impr.*siin of thiw3 u1,t be of 
sone £7351 use in. dalir; withý ooatribtors. 
I An pretty wall bawl- on. r  f-oet. IPleas  coaaWe 
  'Un   -,N rearda to 'Mr. Brvr 
                           Your* slncare4-, 
A~g~Aldo Leopold 
Doembiv 9, 1947 