:.at~na. cse~roh CMfCun1 .... thr C  2di~tn Pe2o' ?h Counril L~ a 
 t     -n oC tc, id a ar: t b r i n 7  1  o v r t i n vIzh a  U ý
c r ou  r i4t. 
 TAn      j ibi               s feild stuieUn .c re;sc(.;itstatus 
 e    toi    and ViJ !ifo ¢ rvntn poliio' n. A41 in-fon 'fr al &o
 rexie:ce v a lhopd -n        v tl c , Ii ;!th tha Ron. J. B.1Xr n C-cIi-

 ýýicner fof th~e U;atlý,,;al ar  olf   16aad e,-,'a-rnetl
--f thleý Tnt-erior, nnd 
 Mr. ffowez ILoyd,    L,.~lnc:dat o idLife Prtc:N, atioj a~k 
01,Cntl*a rt -4 v ve .,A       fi      ýý c-),ýrton
eadthit tv'zch ,',I pro-ý)i4t                  thrn .1,h 
ti-jn  U two '-U  zou c lh 
         A Tx;*SibiD veource 01, !PUld:0 fin-n:)  C:)opcrl;Atýv ttlud
 this; Character 'Llf ýunov;n Lo th,ý commlttcean, heefre 
 it is remrd~ 
   thatt}; ¢os~erwmviol-ý Oe~esf the- Dmuindlon ofp c:ann1 and
nf the* 
         United~~31                                1Eat-') rnivtd h~ h ,odpc:ai
   ia~ 1-a t&r')       ~        f~ t         .'- atk b7 2 jelft 
        X3 lirgtinU c'urr-nt .l, lifu -:problen is  -ie per-petuation of
 and ad~n~ri~,and  £c:!iin>lnio 
        ,;a ;otxl,ý, tha-t rm !.vntr Ice rade cf curviving   enat
    ino~ry,I    a plano , r lills 01" 'newdled rC! f