Washingten D, C. 
Misoavx P~pet, and I thW*k I -, in entir. ec ritth All of 
plant is beive,'reerre to 3Irzntone au I ta~ino       Mvu ba*alw 
         ?cnw xve cua2    ani Valu    of~ r,t116 Zit' I am ro- 
%=ing herewith afta? redz  It rith Ym Iztes.e interes. I j 
not in a position eitbov to  *oa or "stion ymr fleurs on awar 
b7 widW   oo 'ibut I esrtatal did not receivew  sbao on ros~in 
tbaug w~a utns that In Swal thar do nt eoflI o with) mro 
Mont4 pioture of the isituatiop. 
         I *a vm4estw~t of *~raww, bow q* ff 4etal orguizattO 
 or=w  of the o ttor figars In the apw *tah are omsear117 toa 
 lare do~oPerm.a o.atteg, aMd -m         of *ito dea with aouzo 
 vorea quesions. Neverheles I tMl* it Is & groAt pity tbAt *oa 
 tri~mti.Mx of this kind oa~t In sw* wa 'b sib.s to the pula A 
 lexga rpe~    of y~v pare vwald be of the     utot values to me 
 for isain. an alhoghy     have extea4A to no the esoa 
 comrteg of beingalw   to read It, it Im eeteesloe         p 
 as fa as utS1g it iII aouetio with v#wok 
         ZiT   oi ngu of eindividua octrintimn isofcorf 
as an problm. In th   oes   ~hts 14~r*      w bad a gret 
  cm.of It* ad nobod we fawM a mW to rees wa    materaIn~ 
a     veno stisfatovy to th  lust itation  It sews to a  htI 
uutyersities bav tb edg over goement 1oatwt         n**A vattt 
In that th vroftt of indivift~ bwstw rsea MA puli wi~tm 
ooa Emtafl bein ponwrod by tat =4*werit as & iatitatiss. 
         My o~eien in tbo Yorest Serice 41v tauga     metat 
vba  pubioations of thi~s *-Ixi a" released, It to # l  after tha 
bwo be"es o dfaa~   "s to afaiouay, affet thetr vau