my Executor into four parts, as nearly equal in value as Dracticable, 
and that the saea be disposed of as follows* 
      (a) Two of said parts I give, devise and bequeath unto QaRDN3R 
 JACKSON, of 6 West Kirk Street, Chevy Chase, Maryland, my brother, 
    GWF&RkL A   I4,1BAR B&LdORM, of Washington, D. C., JhRRY 
 OOKULLL, of butte, Kontana, ad RAPH"LL W, of 2237 Doswell Avenue, 
 St. Paul, Minnesota, and the survivors of them, and to their successors,

 in perpetuity, in trust, nevertheless, to invest, reinvest and keep 
 invested said parts and to apply the income derived thArefrca and such 
 part of the DrineoDal as they may, in their unlimited discretion, dees 
 necessay for the following objects ond Duropes*e 
     The edeatiaon of the People of the United State* of America to the 
necossity and desirpbillty of the developent and organization of unions 
of persons eaga~ed in work or of unemployed persons and the promotion 
and advanoeaent of an economic system in the United States based upon 
the theory of production for use and not for profit, The objects and 
purposes herein set forth shall be carried out through lawful means and 
only throu6h lawful means, and for the purpose of curryin out such 
objetts and purposes, I 6rant to the Trustees named full po,er end authority

to employ and pay organizers, lecturers and writers and such other 
assistants and employees an they may deem necesary for properiy Ni- 
fillin6 the objects and purposes o. the trust as set forth by me herein,

and to print, publish and distribute pamphlets, books, magazines and 
newspapers and generally to use any and all lawful means toward the 
furtherance of such objects and purposes, and they shall further have the

authority to draft bills and acts, laws and other legislation and use all

lawful means to have the same enacted into the law of the various States