May 20, 1946 
Mr. William J. P. Aberg 
900 Gay Building 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Mr. Aberg: 
               Thank you very much indeed for your letter of the 
15th accepting membership on our Committee for working out recom- 
mendations as to the use of aircraft in wilderness areas, also 
for copy of your letter of the same date to Olaus Murie. 
     I am delighted to hear a responsible lawyer say that he has 
no doubt that reasonable recommendations concerning aircraft can 
be made and enforced.   Too many of the people interested in the 
wilderness belong in the horse and bugy age and are by no means 
airminded so that it has been difficult to find a committee fully 
appreciative of wilderness who are at the same time competent to 
advise concerning the use of aircraft. 
     I think I did not send you copy of a letter which I sent out 
to the Committee suggesting a line of approach to the solution. 
It is clear from comments that have come in that a good deal more 
specification is needed than was in my first letter, which indeed 
was merely something to shoot at.   I should be glad to have you 
take a shot along with others who 1,4ve done so. 
                                   Very truly yours, 
                                   Robert F. Grigg, Chairman 
                                   Division of Biology and Agriculture 