f. A cock law woud b e       to pin  4 grm  .            T 7 
C.A iI).amr food patch will winter 100 sin. birds,       T I 
h. Surrels rob a bo.v w    tbm a co*.                    T I 
1,         patc to btt   for fall thain fr. winte feedi. T 7 
JP airie cin* fo the        f   ar plante h     y       T 7 
k, 100  cs wor k   ed in thisto   p last year            T 7 
1. agewd uo    tedi We c           wi now! T                  . 
in. 70 climbing bucwhat frequetly follows light bun.          T Y 
0. These quail will ianbtoo if not scattered by shoting.      T if 
p. Moro patigsweresht in 1932 t)ana in 1929.f7 
q. Ou kill of cawsak n13 wasa mostly r     birds.        T Y 
r. Snwsho  c   witer on jac$    al                       T 7 
a, A feeding station ould lie on te sout uid of te cov.     T V 
t. Thee* doer are diggn aorno out of thesnow.                T 
u. CattAll make gotd winter phasn cver.? 
W 5-