42$4 University Yam Place 
           Pt.~~Api 2ile                           1940~i, ret 
Dr. Milo D.1. irue DIirocto 
         I an sedn yo he,,rewith  I qua 4uMplicatoo. the 
Delt& apg.eest, signed by Sentor Walcott &M myself. 
$ties, yo exreas you approval Inya 'ir letter of April 11 
to Albert, I take it you are ready to sign   Mort Palmo 
tells me that he has written Mr. hall, so that in, orde to 
save time I riaot youl forward the agemn      directly to 
Mr. Bell. Since he has zat *ommoutt4 to the cotary, I 
tokm It that the ale~n will =At with his &pproval. 
         Mort ?ala..w uxtu1?ai. *&=at doqosit the ftud 
uatil the sigutues are conplat1 end Albert tobss       po 
his arrngea..ts with Morrill, 5Sowl, ato, and also with 
w" ollestor isztfl he to sure that the futAd are forth- 
eeMi~, hom   *the sooer the bettr. 
         with 'be iGOVAG 
                            Sineoely yomsw, 
                                AI10 Leopold 
      0241Professor of Wildlife MwaemeaS 
00 Palmer 