4/ ~ 
                           November 10, 1942 
Dear Albert, 
I was about to write you for further news when your 
welcome note of October 31 arrived. Please don't 
rush things. It is encouraging to know, however, 
that you are on your feet. I 
I haven't heard from Lyle. Neither hat Grace Martner. 
Naturally we are anxious to hear from him after the 
rumpus on the Paciflo. 
When you are fully ready to think about such things, 
let me know your attitude on the place of publication. 
I assume if a thousand dollars can be saved by publishing 
in Washington, that the Institute will wish to publish 
there. Have you heard antj ing from Mr. Bell as to 
his reaction to the possible Washington publication? 
The good flight of duoks is especially encouraging. 
Carl has his commission, vs married the other day, and 
is slated for another eight weeks training at (zantioo. 
Tours tA ever,