S1, 1940 
Mr. Yemird Frank 
U. ** r.et 6zro 
ýiekhin.-ý-on D* Co 
M  dar    rardt 
     Ve mint have our amrW4L meetirC this month, and I shoull Uk. t 
 ear 1frm you hiring ubat week it would 'e most conveniOnt for youn.    
 can, of course,, not hnvo manny here, bnut it im neceT-i-t@ry to g~eta 
 u     . 3 far we have barely  a   our uo   .;. 
      It will be, of oour", a yew diffeont metoil  frr3    ' in the

 past. I will have no 1o6-* Ivrall to  'e emt ta-1nr (       of it. It 
 will not be so lo" nor will it cno!Aier vo many mubjects, 'ut it m.t

 fail to be most intereatin. I will have an -nmrul report wyeelf o0Velw 
 Lr; brieflyý events whi !'ve made so niehd dIf-ference to uas. 7aing

 no iemer fpmlar with the   reat frept In *0hl TOb re   so ably built 
 up our wom.eiul wilqerness system, but I    hall, arnge vth Joh       k,

his very able sccessor, to be presnt f5 our guest to -rentnt to us this 
fmu     -projet. li will not offer half so many -rolects for consderntaon

as Bob di, but he will haeys r hwber of deep interest. 7 e wil haVe m 
tie in which to get a grasp upon them. Probably you and Denton will heyv

proseets oonnected with the 1Ag tMn"  you cre eot2 in tIse &,tr
noses. Km we m   b  sure that Farvey will have some very Interesting stuff.

Ws can't epxct Parett from Sn 7'rseoi..*, 1ut I do ex '-et to hFve sr- 
gestions frrm hiL aýbý t far western wilerness prýolems.

      wig Clark    afowtumte   hn* gne home, Smat we still h'ove Olas 
 mrte with us wud he will haye su  sestioss to   *. I have lost trc of 
 Zneett Ob.wholtiew, but Who car.e  track of hi-Y. T ,x! bcpi tht )he 
 will b* eost this ronth. 
      Give  e AS wie a rar e of tlme as -ou can     we  ve no @tey Idb 
  to met the conditions of those who omu --e. 
      BIs plc     on the Ziecut ive  ittee has been taken by his bwotbew

  eorge, wh   " hop will be active,