38 EAST 57TH STREET         NEw YORK 22, N. Y. 
         Tot The Trustees 
         Frors George Mar ball                                          )

         Bet6    Nrah ?0, 1947                               ft 
         Subjectl Tj'-,e f-4d. Pleg  of the next lrusttl! ee!ý   
    ,       rd nh     h't- r   wbietbr the Trustees of the Wi3ldrfess Aund
meet this year et tf see Aneae and around the same time as the annual aeeting

of the Council of         r-. 11tmv' oi'ty. tr. Zahniser wrjiea that TPh.
Society Rxeoutl~ve C   4tte l wirf-     out teort*ýtlve I1eis for
tue Zooiety'. 
Mieeting in Iune f - 9 or bme         at?, at E~et ObeEoor'% stCe at rlaner,

Minneseta, ftRyin  Vt, Dvllth  nd tA in  the t rnin t,) Int exuaional YPlla4
It would 
et $10 more to       Ir.t  r tnterrptletrfi l  thale n in i ab11on, i. 0,
eosts t hrefre edeo fvnt s to be   f ?artor in our decision. 
     In order t hlr Mr. Zphrnser arrngte for tbe Soolety's meeting enad o

that all of us may make our plans miff i atently in advance, I should apprv
your flirn in tht ecmloirhd      *ý*ht w1e d ru'4 t rolnýn
it to cw aw your 
eeml1iest convenierni