Please add to
                                                           OWilderneos in
the 8.W.5 
                            (0) The future 
     There are four Jobs for the future now in sight. 
     .he first Is to Make the System of wild areas mean something in te*ms

of particular rare plants and animas (like the grzly). 
     The second is to guard against the disruption of the arnas still wild.

Disruption mea come from unexpeoted quarters. A deer herd deprived of wolves

and lions is wore aazgerous to wilderness areas than the most piratical Senator

or the go-gsttiz6est Chaaber of Commerce. 
     The third ts to secure the recogition, as wilderness areas, of the low

altitude desert tracts heretofore regarded as without value for OroationO

btecause tha offer uo pines, lakes, or other conventiunal scerny. 
     The fourth is to induce Mexico to save some sarples of what we no longer

have on our side of the border. Great Scientific as walU as recreational

value are here at stake. It will sowe 4V7 be of the utmost isportaace to

be able to stuiy, just asross the line, samples of unspoiled mountain coat.U,

to Gompars them with saaleo on our own side which haye boaw sabJected to
olassal explaitation-conservation process. 4#e havs, in Arisona and lew 
Isezio, hardly a stresa still in normal oondition; in the Mexan mountains

such streams are still found. I. have no ftwaza or floras which have not
a*Wed#, modifle, or "     erovde5; in the Mxdica mountains the whole
is intact with the single meeption of the Apache Indan, who lt, I fear, 