424 UniversiyV  rm Place 
Mr. V. Albert Rochbau 
Delta Dmok Station 
Dear Albert: 
Fpferring to r. Useherls letter askng for porWltSotn  to inO1cue Y0Ur 
findiws on oloaýol sexing and agin in Mr. Kortright's new duck book:

I wold tell 14. Ussher thA y i&u are gotnt; to publish tVis so-.tle this

sumr or fall and that if he oaree to withhold publieation until he 
can# cite our ublietatioA in the regalar manner, Mat wo sll be od to 
have him do so. I woulO nlso tell him that we will coopernt. by oersdng 
him an advance coýy, so that his publication will not be uduly dlaye4,

but hts use of your  terial will hay* to be a regul citation r:ther 
than an inlo,"adent account. 
Sine, this is one of the most Importaat f'iLA~is of the Delta aok Statioa,

I tOik the above polay i about as reaeros as we can afford.   If you 
agree, I would rep-ly aaci~rdiagly. 
I hope you erI knpIn carful nes on the a efrts of air caft &ni. boablu-,

both m to marsh populations xa4 bird behavior. T'ý rmaction of birdn
these oonditions is in itself au iportiaLt aid interestin question, ad 
m   t be one of the cop".s tions for the use of the Delta marsh !a a

bombing tart. 
I am sending a eoo of this letter to Pil Miller ;o that he will kow tbýt

Peter Ward started work Aroh 1 at $100 pr mth, and that ycýu will
a moatbly pxyroll from, now on, bsgianin.,ý Apr'il 1. 
'pith best regrls, 
                             Yours sincerely, 
                             aldo l-onoil 
                             Professor of Wildlife nnegeueat