        (3) No pers.n shall be a Cuacil memor who has not been a memer 
        of the Societj for at least one year. 
        (4) ?rior to the firat anail meetii, the organisers of the $o- 
        ciety aiall constitute its C-uncil. 
        (5) Th. fiscal year shall bOeia on January 1. 
 _ The off icers of the Society shall consist of a 'resident, a Vice-:resi-

 dent, and a tr-asurer who shall b eleated by the Coiurnci from its own rn.ýer.
 who shaIl serve for one year or uutil their successors are elected and also
 ermuane6t )ecretiarj o shall ,e cýosen u the Couacil sn* -hose tenure
saall be 
 mabject to the dtermination of the Council. 
 etlo     ,th  officers shall Derform the umaal luties o_ such officers.
  hý Tare9- 
 urer   a  render an aninul re3ort to the Go acil for each fiscal year and
his re- 
 ports sLýIl ue audited at mach time and n  uch manner  s the Council
my direct. 
 2tien ý. The Council shall elet from its 'n    er an ý4zecutive
Coimittee of not 
 leis tfhn three nor more thn five  mberS.        zeutive Cofmittee sihll
 on the ýuties of the Coaacil between meetigs or the voancil, and
sh-Il .subit to 
 the Cjuimil reports of all its roceuins at apr roxiwately three minth intervals.

 A     otiQL4' the !. XCutive Coittee may- be bec y 07 a vote of the majority
of its 
 m  oars, at moetizs or tLirow-h the ,edium of telephone, teograh   or rail.

 $tiju     The Council ai- create &ud appoint much standing or social
   _,. avisory 
 CoeLttees as it     do deo f necessary for tLa  ,roiootioa sud proper coaduct
of the ob- 
 jects of te Society., All   mbers of the  ociety shall oe eligible to meersP

upon all corILttees so created. 
$e1L2&,u   On a date to be desienated by the i,.xautive Committee, and
fallin, ,au 
ing the fir-t three months of the fiscal year, the C'uncil shall hold its
meet lag. 
       (1) pecial metings of the Council may be cýlled by the President,

       or  eretary or by the written request of five mubers of the rouncil.

       (Z  All  eetjags of the Council shall be held in #ashington, D. C.,

       uless otherwise determined by the Council.