424 University Farm Place 
                             juane 25, 19)41 
   Isak alton Le.age of Ainerioa 
Chicago, Illinois 
Dea% Xea;i 
I shared your aversion to the oompliotions of the Hovk Bil1 
buzt cha-Ae4 nV attitude when I was assured by Jay Pricoe that 
if the bill were carried out, we vold get at least a smll 
wilderness area (my rneollection Is 13,000 acres althog    I 
wn not sure) plus dense forest on the rest of the Porupi e 
rgion. An ausodiate, Mr. Philip Miles, also looked up Mr. 
Dick and hIs crowd an was well iprosed with their general 
caliber and substantial quality. 
Since there seems to be no other ahiuoe, even a remote chance, 
of gettin any action at all and since v*17one agreesS that 
the region is dissolving fast and it is about last call to 
do athing, I indioat-d - support of the Hook 3111. I want 
to exress the fact that I do not itw eatly vaat is in 
th. bill, nd If you can rectify r  reasoning, I would be 
grAteful to rou. 
                           With bes  rest r, 
                           Aldo Leopold 
                           Professor of Wildlife Maaoet 
c Y d, ýiles