       Mttke IS a   -v  &aft of a possile reor by ou 
       ft* Pn*ut draft Is both rmag anlng, but it MW 
    gie .ss.tingto~ w* on. I bw      tried to combn thi 
varius ooatribut%,on from c    ~ttee amobss Man the ynomlts, 
of our discussons itot umothi    ofan itegatedt statement. 
I kx* anlso mnst.A a wabe of posil prgr     to tMV10 
st our plaaingt. In dong*Ust, It kas b..m necuo.s to 
take  mov orn less deflatt stanMo o.m  a~qj~ow sxutaos. 
r an sur Me     Meeto will want to ST*~ OW =A  Sap~ttas 
       So Post-War lw ' t2%a  Qttto., as & Idl*, ecnoM 2jw 
Met to tt*.Ms P~bliettoA of tha ousmtttoss wor. Altbou 
ft Lotlsttolc wa spee     Wnu. It It clear that emttsoe 
   reers wbea           at limit Man pblIiak In h ne 
Of tkW MIb-00 tt", to should kuep this posuibility in ulsA& 
in ensotruatiugm  e~t 
       ft 0smdtto. will meit to discuss iwtisios,0 eto. at 
2s3s p.m.# IanA, Now&   27 Is rm 300 A& Ral., I hops 
tho vdlo **itt** ca be preuent. 
                                   SLAsemlZ yos. 
                                   Z. 1. Pamnas 
NGi0**  22j194 
  A6 A1. 
' LA. 
  R* A-3 
  R. D.. 