424 Uhiveority Farm Place 
                                J   r  5, 1143 
Mr. T. 0. Win 
201 Jan of Commeoe Chambers 
Vinnipe(, Kant tobaL 
Dear Tout, 
M ot   tmp    ioally Agree with you that long rang 
research setups are one thing and keeping research 
alive during the war another. I see no harm whataver 
In comromisin   for the war period, but it might not 
stand up as sound oranization for any other period. 
I likewise agree that there are decisive advantages 
in Albert's covering a wider territory. 
I think the Committee would be glad if you and 
Albert would propose a scheme for keeping Delta 
alive during the war period.. hat, then, would be 
a ooncrete starting point that we could lay on the 
table for conkideration by the Delta Board. 
                With personal reards, 
                           YTurs sincerely, 
Aldo Leopold.