      As a first stop toward untangling these oonf.sions, we here attempt
 4sf ii that kind of training which seeks to prepar* a stu4ent to mak, a
 fno* wildlife, and that level of tr-aning whic merits the torn sprofemiesia

 or seieantifto.   e confin, ooarelves to this oe kind aMd lvel, not W  obe
 the O*ther are lees Imports& %, Vbt becaous few schools as yet offer
the others. 
     For the sak of brevity this report draws its illustrative material largely

 from laM animals. Wildlife, howveor, includes both aimals, an L plants,
 terreetial aM "[utic. Where tho illustrativ, material implies a narrower

 soepe, the reader is asked to interpolate the broader one. 
     Profesional training is ordinarily defined in t ers of years at school,

coures taken, aMd derees roeived. 
     5to lack of stanard mesnings invalidates these terms for our purposes,

especially the lack of standards for specifying courses. The moet elaborate

currioula mr be offered by the veakest schools. We therefore cannot define

professional training in torms of courses. 
     Years at school and degrees ooe nearor havin a standard meaning. 1n

goneral, the  inniman period for professional traiming is five years of college

work, fear years of undorgradate work plus one year of grduato wez*. Six
is better, *even frequeat in the bette schools. 
     In Moneral, a masteor's dgree is the minimm for professional standing.

     Zt by no means follows, howOr, that a student with six years of college

work behind him and a mater's degree in his pocket is prepared for professional

practice. In the following aes we attempt to define preparednes at two stages
          (A) At the tise of selecting an undergraduate major. 
          (0) At the tine ef completing professional train1ig.