C. F. T. 
       Such inforzaticn as may bo acquired In the research or 
any State must be mnde .vailable for the usa of all oLh.;r Etates 
tnd to Lhe Liologioal Lurvey. The lattr~r rro;ozoa to serve a8 a 
olearin. hous3 azid o~ordinaLtor of th4 researoh stations. 
       As hfl PJuiiot to ths re-rea-rh station in sach Atate, it is 
planod to acquire., aither by purohase, rental or use of publio 
luads, 4uffizint urxaau on rwhlh to vatablizh deoo atration proj- 
eots and fizid la'ortoriLs for thatpplleation of Sae manýe~eqnt 
       A £furthr benefit t.o be antioipated from thease £ouaatioa2

will be th, opportu.iti-a3 for the trainin6 oif youaxg, mon in the 
soi.sne cand &6eQhoif C L' rt !-naigtfawnt. This latter may itl the 
on6 ,run bo qait,ý as imfijortant as any other result of Uio pror;ot.

       Tao fun,:., ',hiah have bcen zoujit are not 2uieiont aor a 
eoo.'y1et cov:r-o of all th1 ýtate Lutl Pro,¶ tWi r-oo tl this

lwnitatioa !.nd otherzi ot sixilar n~turo to other .ttý EVgme C04is-

sib*nsr n eiduotional institutions rwill be seleoted those .tatos 
in wihioh ýU ll  1-0  establish ed  tha f~i:'t  r s a c   t t o 
       I carnestly request your oarly considertxtion and reply. 
                                Your.s very truly, 
                                         J. U. D~ulix, 